Our Story


A Daring Move

The Vision

CheckMate Artisanal Winery was born out of a bold vision: that our small vineyards in the Okanagan Valley could produce elegant, world class wines that rivaled the best growing regions in the world. We work with each individual vineyard block to pair the soils with the correct varietal, clones and rootstock. This strategic series of choices allows us to produce scarce amounts of truly exceptional wine. Today, the winery once considered a daring move in an unlikely place has set a new standard of excellence.

Opening Gambit


The last ice age retreat in the late Pleistocene epoch around 12,000 years ago carved out the land formations of the Okanagan Valley. Glacial erosion and sandy outwash left behind more soil types in this 120-mile area than in the whole of France. Infinite growing possibilities made our task clear: Find the absolute best places in this geologically unique region to grow Chardonnay and Merlot.​​ This ongoing pursuit gives balance and complexity to our New World wines. 

Sunset Vineyard in Okanagan Valley View

Vineyard Blocks

In the ancient and untamed Okanagan Valley wild terrain and rugged topography create a dramatic landscape hosting a variety of soils rivalling that of France.  Through years of meticulous study we have mapped an intricate patchwork of vineyard blocks capturing this unparalleled distinctive terroir.

State of the Art Winemaking

State-of-the-Art Winemaking

Gravity flow design and state-of-the-art equipment allow for gentle handling and optimal aging of our wines. Every allowance has been made to ensure we produce wines to their fullest potential. Old-world, traditional winemaking and new-world technology combine for an innovative, yet time-honoured approach.